Behind My Skin

There is something living inside of me.

It blooms out

from between my lips

like a bouquet of

diseased flowers

I have kept pressed beneath

my tongue for so long

that my mouth has

memorized the taste

of death,

it spills from my fingertips

in curls of smoke

as if there is something

smouldering inside my fist,

it decays in the twisted

riddle maze of my iris –

this thing has made

a house out my body,

claiming heart chamber bedrooms

and chandelier ribcages,

spiral staircase spines

and floorboard bones –

this thing is my monster.

He festers within

the lining of my scars,

looking out through

the windows of my eyes,

trying to lure strangers

down the minefield corridors

of my pupils,

a creature of barbed wire

smiles with teeth of flint,

child of the knives cast

into his back,

my monster has grown

in the darkness

just as the darkness

has grown in him.

collecting pieces of pain

like they’re pennies,

planting them in the soil of my skin

and watching them grow

into pretty little poison flowers.

I know he is darkness

but he is also


stoking my neck with

fingers made of gravel and silk,

whispering to me with a voice

like whiskey and honey:

don’t you want to hurt them back?

After all, it would be terribly easy

to lace my lips with contempt

and learn to balance a pistol

on my tongue.

It would be easy,

so easy

to let him put matches

to the flower petals in my hair,

to let him kiss sparks

into my vocal cords

so I can speak in explosions,

to let him use my lungs

like a fireplace

and my windpipe

like a chimney;

I would forget what it is

not to swallow smoke

and choke on ashes.

Perhaps I already have forgotten.

Let’s not pretend

it doesn’t feel good sometimes

to give into the darkness,

because those demons

I have spent so long trying to

press beneath my tongue

or suffocate inside my fist

or drown within my eyes –

they are just dying to be set




Fire; Darkness

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